jammy goodness

Seeking reports from the frontline on collaborative innovation
September 3, 2009, 12:56 pm
Filed under: journals

One of Vulture Street’s core principles is to stay involved with the latest research and thinking in academic areas that are relevant to the jam process, including economics, innovation management, business strategy and advances in web technology.

Part of staying up-to-date is Kate’s associate editorship of the journal Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice, which was founded by Professor Mark Dodgson over ten years ago.

In order to try to build greater insight into how processes of collaborative innovation (such as jamming) are evolving in organisations (both private and public sector), we’ve launched a special issue of the journal on Collaborative and Challenge-led Innovation. As described in the call for papers, we are especially looking for reports from practitioners working ‘at the coal face’ and those involved in introducing and embedding these new innovation practices into real organisations.

The deadline for papers is 1st March 2010, however we are more than happy to discuss potential submissions and provide advice on content prior to this – contact Kate or co-editor Tim Kastelle.

Kate speaking at Ausbiotech breakfast on 23rd September
August 25, 2009, 4:05 am
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…on jams and how they differ from social network sites like LinkedIn for business collaboration.

I have the pleasure of sharing the podium with Tim Kastelle who is fast becoming a world-leading expert on the application of network theory to understanding economic and business phenomena.

You can read all about the event here.